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Bam Bam 10'8

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Bam Bam 10'8 - 12915_bam-1373481034
Bam Bam 10'8 - 12915_bam4-1373481109
Bam Bam 10'8 - 12915_bam6-1373481109
Bam Bam 10'8 - 12915_bam1-1373481034
Bam Bam 10'8 - 12915_bam3-1373481034

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1,400.00

Stats (Metric)

325 cms / 10'8"
83.8 cms / 33"
Bam Bam is the newest technology in SUPs. It is for those that must have durability, and stabilty. Bam Bam is the most durable SUP of its kind. Wide, Stable , durable and beautiful.

Features...A molded EPS blank laminated with fiberglass cloth , epoxy resin, wood veneer, and a patiented PC skin. A SUP with broad capiblities. . Built to last. .......... Colors wrap white , blue seafoam and carbon.

5 fin set up , carrying handle, and traction included . SIZES 8'8x30 10x33 10'8x33 11'4x34

For Camps, Schools, Yoga, Surfing, Tours and Rentals... CALL 757 423 3037 for WHOLESALE .

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