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X-cell - 7426_Xcell002t_1276624486
X-cell - 7426_Xcell001t_1276624486
X-cell - 7426_Xcell003t_1276624487
X-cell - 7426_xcell_1276624487
X-cell - 7426_Xcell004t_1276624486

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Like it's little sister the XCell is smaller than the more traditionally sized polo kayak, only this time it has a little more volume along it's length to support up to another 10Kgs in weight.

This New Polo Kayak is for medium sized paddlers who recognise the enormous advantages of the Evolution, but suffer from excessive drag due to being a little too big for it. The other recognisable problem for these paddlers when turning the Evolution, is that they will turn the boat too deep, sometimes creating a stall.

Following careful attention to the addition of volume and a slight modification in the shape of the hull, the XCell now creates similar performance to that of the Evolution but for the larger category of paddler.

To help accommodate larger paddlers than the Evolution, the XCell has a slightly longer cockpit which accepts a standard kayak spraydeck.
Mega's own Italian style seat is included in the cost of the boat.
Also available is the smaller fitting Italian style seat that compliments these innovative polo kayaks.

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