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Outlander 14

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Outlander 14 - 7431_Outlander2_1276693947
Outlander 14 - 7431_Outlander3_1276693947
Outlander 14 - 7431_Outlander4_1276693947
Outlander 14 - 7431_outlander_1276693947

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0"
76.2 cms / 30"
17.2 kg / 38 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
408.2 kg / 900 lbs
Developed from the successful designs of the Prospector working canoe and the Peterborough recreational canoe and blending the best features of both the Outlander 16' is both a highly manoeuvrable and efficient boat.

Able to carry a payload of around 900lbs. the Outlander 16' is generally fitted out as a tandem canoe. With a beam of 31" and depth of just under 14" the Outlander 16' is ideal for both experienced or novice paddlers alike. It can be produced in a range of colours and lay-ups from glass to high performance Carbon/Kevlar. Weight will vary somewhat dependant on lay-up and outfitting required but will be in the region 48-52lbs.

Smaller brother of the range is the Outlander 14'. With good speed and manoeuvrability the 14' is primarily intended for the experienced solo paddler however it also makes a fine tandem canoe for crews of around 22 stone max.

Both "Outlander" are fitted out with hard wood gunnels and thwarts, seats are of the "H" section construction and laced with 2" webbing. Carrying thwarts are included as standard. Optional fittings include Kneeling thwarts and padded seats.

Bow and stern are fitted with glassfibre end caps in a contrasting colour. Beam for the Outlander 14' is 30" and depth 14" whilst weight is from approx. 38lbs. Lay-up and colour options are as the 16'.

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