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Diamante Rapide

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Diamante Rapide - 7429_Rapide3_1276626738
Diamante Rapide - 7429_rapide23_1276626739
Diamante Rapide - 7429_Rapide2_1276626738
Diamante Rapide - 7429_rapide6_1276626738
Diamante Rapide - 7429_rapide4_1276626738
Diamante Rapide - 7429_Rapide1_1276626738

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

488 cms / 16'0"
54.6 cms / 21.5"
17.2 kg / 38 lbs
The Diamante Rapide lives up to its name as a fast and sleek sea kayak. At 16' long and 21.5" wide the "Rapide" is a high volume kayak with significant carrying capacity.

Provision is made just in front of the cockpit for a variety of accessories, Day Hatch, Compass or Pump.
Ample storage for extended trips is provided in the 2 watertight compartments.
Fitted as standard with a retractable skeg ,Deck lines and shock cords the "Rapide" is available in a wide range of colours and constructions.

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