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Bullitt S
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Stats (Metric)
Cockpit Length
33 cms / 13"
Cockpit Width
17 cms / 6.7"
Before IC boats were stopped from entering HP how many times were paddlers using IC boats on the HP rostram? We've already seen that the Bullitt lends itself to a far more HP style of paddling and with the addition of fins I reckon this little baby will have a good following.
The Bullitt "S" a new hp boat the perfect poor conditions boat, to big, to small, long paddle out, messy c
There are going to be certain condtions where it is likely to excell.!
It was very clear at Mundaka recently that in small surf the longer boats were both ,catching waves easier and looking more dynamic, other situations I can see would be big beach break days, places with a long paddle out, Mundaka, Santa Cruz for example.
Before IC boats were stopped from entering HP how many times were paddlers using IC boats on the HP rostram? We've already seen that the Bullitt lends itself to a far more HP style of paddling and with the addition of fins I reckon this little baby will have a good following.
The Bullitt "S" a new hp boat the perfect poor conditions boat, to big, to small, long paddle out, messy c
There are going to be certain condtions where it is likely to excell.!
It was very clear at Mundaka recently that in small surf the longer boats were both ,catching waves easier and looking more dynamic, other situations I can see would be big beach break days, places with a long paddle out, Mundaka, Santa Cruz for example.
Before IC boats were stopped from entering HP how many times were paddlers using IC boats on the HP rostram? We've already seen that the Bullitt lends itself to a far more HP style of paddling and with the addition of fins I reckon this little baby will have a good following.
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