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Explorer LT 16

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Write Review
Explorer LT 16 - 5678_cobalt_1272110864
Explorer LT 16 - 5678_sand_1272110865

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
Wood: USD 1695/ Aluminum: USD 1395/ IQ: USD 1750
Available Colors
Sand, Cobalt

Stats (Metric)

486 cms / 15'11.3"
90 cms / 35.4"
29 kg / 64 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
499 kg / 1100 lbs
The iconic Explorer Canoe series has shed a few pounds for the Explorer LT. A lighter sheet design and aluminum gunwales help to bring this boat in at a svelte 65 pounds. This reduced weight makes the LT easier to handle, load and unload, while it's Royalex hull provides plenty of care-free durability for mild to moderate waters. Great for family outings and long trips because of it's enhanced paddling efficiency. Shown with IQ gunwales system.


IQ Cupholders (2) - IQ Only
Web Seats
Moderate Rocker
Shaped Ash Carry Yoke
Shallow Vee Hull


Cane Seats
Center Seat (not in IQ)
Skid Plates
Stained Ash Gunwales
Slotted Ash Gunwales
Additional Ash Thwarts (Not In IQ)

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