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Explorer 16 RX

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Write Review
Explorer 16 RX - 5679_16rx_1272111134
Explorer 16 RX - 5679_olive_1272111134
Explorer 16 RX - 5679_green_1272111134

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
Wood: USD 1695/ IQ: USD 1750/ IQ 2: USD 1395
Available Colors
Olive, Red, Green

Stats (Metric)

486 cms / 15'11.3"
91 cms / 35.8"
33 kg / 73 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
499 kg / 1100 lbs
Crafted with Royalex® for carefree use in rougher, more abusive conditions, it’s as close to an “all-purpose” canoe as you’ll get.


Symmetrical Hull
Web Seats
IQ Cupholders (2) (IQ & IQ2 Only)
Moderate Rocker
Shaped Ash Yoke (Not in IQ)
Shallow Vee Hull


Cane Seats
Center Seat (not in IQ)
Skid Plates
Flotation Bag Lash System
Stained Ash Gunwales
Slotted Ash Gunwales
Additional Ash Thwarts (Not In IQ)

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