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Inflatable 10'2"

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Inflatable 10'2" - _lakahi-inflatable-1391188672

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42, Avenue Faidherbe

Phone: +33 28 26 88 76

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We are stocked to introduce you the new inflatable LOKAHI AKA AIR 10’2! Compact storage, all-around board, accessible and ideal for small surf condition.

The AKA AIR 10’2 is the family travel board, in your car, on your bike or on your back.
Its drop stich construction added to PVC HQ construction, offer rigidity and comfort on the water.

It come in a new deisgn bag, a 3 pieces paddles, a pump, now it’s time to get in the water! We are stocked to introduce you the new inflatable LOKAHI AKA AIR 10’2!

Compact storage, all-around board, accessible and ideal for small surf condition.

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