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AKA Bamboo 8'6"

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AKA Bamboo 8'6" - _lokahiwood-jpg-1390925121

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42, Avenue Faidherbe

Phone: +33 28 26 88 76

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AKA Bamboo 8'6" Accessibility / Smooth / Classic-style

The AKA Bamboo 8’6 smooth shape unit accessibility on flat water and the classic-style in wave riding. Its dimensions make it the perfect compact stand up paddle board.
The volume give it stability, the gentle scoop offer speed on flat water and acceleration in the curves. The round tail allow to use this 8’6 like a short board as much in easy going waves as in more hollow waves.
The AKA Bamboo 8’6 comes with a thruster honeycomb/carbon set up, center fin US box 6”5 and twins future box 5”.

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