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Twelve Six Touring

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Twelve Six Touring - _2015l6-twelvesixtouringblue-a21d2e4c-72c2-4ac7-9a61-3a85fd9e740c-large-1427705717
Twelve Six Touring - _epoxy-9e14fcd4-5b59-4189-b62c-337ab89bb754-large-1427705717

Short Facts

Level Six

#19-190 Colonnade Rd. South
ON K2E 7J5

Phone: +1.877.253.8356 / +1.613.274.0144

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1,399
Available Colors
Cyan And White


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Pull off more forward strokes as you paddle for fitness or tour to the far edge of the lake. The displacement hull is a good size for mid-weight paddlers, and it tracks straight and true so you make fewer sweeps and faster progress.

Multilayer epoxy and glass construction ensures durability and keeps it looking beautiful.
Clear coat finish uses tri-layer fibreglass, epoxy resin.
Lightweight EPS foam core with 5 layer reinforced sidewalls.
Deck pad adds comfort to touring days.
Comes with a modified race fin with a large surface area to increase lateral stability and enhance straight tracking.
Includes fin screw, fin plate and fin key.

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