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River Tour Touring HD-PE

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River Tour Touring HD-PE - 8945_RiverTourPerspektive_1283770929
River Tour Touring HD-PE - 8945_RiverTourAufsicht_1283770930
River Tour Touring HD-PE - 8945_RiverTourSeite_1283770930

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange


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The Rivertour is our fast compact touring K2. The special designed bottom makes it fast without baggage, and more stable with it. The River Tour is the "Best Buy" in the german Kanu Magazin in 6/2002.

Stowroom cover front/middle/rear: ODM,x,ODL
Fittings: 12
Net: 2
Deck line: Ja
Handle: Suit-case handle
Cockpit inside: 88
Seat: 40/44
Spraydeck: D
Steering: prepared

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