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Rapid Fire

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Rapid Fire - 8986_rapidfire_1283876110
Rapid Fire - 8986_rapidfirefront_1283876111
Rapid Fire - 8986_rapidfireauf_1283876111

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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You want a change? Here is it – the Rapid Fire! This play boat gives you a new challenge. Go on the river and have fun – each tour will be an absolutely new adventure. The Rapid Fire is enormously dynamic. Due to its large scoop and its short waterline, it is extremely manoeuvrable. Extremely upswept ends make a controlled coming up possible after a steep drop. Each white water tour will be an unique adventure. Take it now!

Thigh support: yes
Center Rail: x
Shock Pad: x
Foam V/H: Option
Handle: Ergosoft handle
Cockpit inside: 79
Seat: Sport 38
Spraydeck: X
Impact plate: Dreipunkt
Drain plug: yes
Ramming cap: Option

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