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Maxi Touring LCS

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Maxi Touring LCS - 8917_MaxiPerspektive_1283520677
Maxi Touring LCS - 8917_MaxiSeite_1283520677
Maxi Touring LCS - 8917_MaxiAufsicht_1283520677

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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A fast and reliable kayak for tall canoeists who like to paddle easily with all their gear on specific touring rivers and lakes. The Maxi has an asymmetrical construction with a slight form of the bug. Therefore, it is easy to paddle. The best variation of the Maxi – the Maxi-Expedition: The integrated rudder improves the really good tracking and easy turning. You could enjoy your kayak tour.

Stowroom cover front/middle/rear: x,x,ODL
Fittings: 10
Net: 1
Deck line: Option
Handle: Suit-case handle
Cockpit inside: 88
Seat: 40/44
Spraydeck: D
Steering: prepared

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