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Malecite 525 DCS

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Malecite 525 DCS - 8951_malecite525_1283779230
Malecite 525 DCS - 8951_malecite525auf_1283779230
Malecite 525 DCS - 8951_malecite525front_1283779230

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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The Malecite 525 involves all good features of construction of the Malecite 490. It is good to paddle due to the flat U-bottom with a slight rocker. The length of 5.25 metres gives this open canoe a beautiful appearance on the water. You will be fascinated by the excellent and easy gliding and the easy turning of this boat. The Malecite 525 is a real all-rounder – extremely useful and enjoyable!

Handle: Toggel
Seat: Flechtbank
Type: double seat, one additional seat, two additional seats

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