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Hanseat DD Expedition Plus LCS

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Hanseat DD Expedition Plus LCS - 8895_HanseatPerspektive_1283353297
Hanseat DD Expedition Plus LCS - 8895_HanseatAufsicht_1283353297
Hanseat DD Expedition Plus LCS - 8895_HanseatSeite_1283353298

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

525 cms / 17'2.7"
58 cms / 22.8"
39 cms / 15.4"
23 kg / 51 lbs
360 ltr / 95.1 gal
Cockpit Length
84 cms / 33.1"
Cockpit Width
48 cms / 18.9"
Minimum Paddler Weight
50 kg / 110 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
110 kg / 243 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
165 kg / 364 lbs
You are looking for a sea kayak? Here is the Hanseat – a real all-rounder. It combines tradition and innovation. This solo sea kayak is a combination of a classic sea kayak and the newest technical boat constructions. Due to the optimal use of ribs (front and rear V-rib; in the middle U-rib), this boat combines security and easy tracking. A sufficient load carrying ability caters it also possible for long tours. The integrated rudder makes the Hanseat highly manoeuvrable and easy to paddle in a straight line. The medium-sized cockpit with the integrated thigh grip offers a very comfortable and safe seat without restriction. The Hanseat is insensitive to the wind because of its shallow deck position. Different depressions for compasses are available.

Stowroom cover front/middle/rear: DD/S,x,DD/S
Fittings: 22 Stück, 6mm
Net: 1
Deck line: yes
Handle: Toggel
Cockpit inside: 79
Seat: 40cm ( 36,38,42,44)
Spraydeck: x
Steering: integrated

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