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Fighter DCS

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Fighter DCS - 9004_FighterPerspektive_1283950936
Fighter DCS - 9004_PERodeositz_1283950937
Fighter DCS - 9004_FighterSeite_1283950936
Fighter DCS - 9004_FighterAufsicht_1283950936

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Klaus Lettmann
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Teamwork is always successful. Both for the team sport and for the development of high-performance pieces of sports equipment. An unique team has been found for the creation of the Fighter. Klaus Lettmann has developed this new polo kayak together with the top sportsmen of the 1. Meidericher KC 4. The VCS-version of the Fighter increased the strength by 25 %, compared with the conventional boats, and at the same time, a reduction of the weight by 5 – 10 %! A further successful point is the design of the deck and draught which enables a remarkable paddling. And the excellent results of the Fighter’s paddlers are meaningful.

Seat: Rodeo / Performance
Spraydeck: S

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