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Emotion 2 Touring DCS

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Emotion 2 Touring DCS - 8934_EmotionK2Perspektive_1283609124
Emotion 2 Touring DCS - 8934_EmotionK2Seite_1283609124
Emotion 2 Touring DCS - 8934_EmotionK2Aufsicht_1283609124

Short Facts


Franz-Haniel-Str. 53

Phone: + 49 2841 54774

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With the emotion innovation and tradition lead to the best possible synthesis. A good and safe beginning stability paired with very good straight outlet for the newcomer. Rather sportingly ambitious drivers choose the Emotion II to keep good contact to the boat.

Stowroom cover front/middle/rear: RD24,x,ODL
Fittings: 17
Net: 2
Deck line: yes
Handle: Toggel
Cockpit inside: 88
Seat: Comflex 40 cm & high backrest
Spraydeck: D
Steering: Tour Steering mounted

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