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Surfer TX 9'

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Surfer TX 9' - _orangesplice_1312477710
Surfer TX 9' - _txwhite_1312477713
Surfer TX 9' - _smoothmango_1312477712
Surfer TX 9' - _txberry_1312477713
Surfer TX 9' - _candy_1312477711
Surfer TX 9' - _txearth_1312477713
Surfer TX 9' - _citrus_1312477711

Short Facts



Phone: +1 808 2556616

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Berry, Smooth Mango, Earth, Electric White, Citrus, Orange Splice, Candy

Stats (Metric)

274 cms / 9'0"
73.7 cms / 29"
10.2 cms / 4"
The Surfer TX is a performance wave riding board. Extra volume in the nose provides extra buoyancy for nose riding. The bottom of the board is shaped for performance with a single concave transitioning to a double, which then transitions to a vee in the tail. Once you ride one of these boards you will never go back!

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