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Soft Board 8'
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Stats (Metric)
244 cms / 8'0"
73.7 cms / 29"
10.8 cms / 4.3"
A board for the whole family! The KM Soft Board is perfect for both kids and adults. Just cruise the flat water or hit the surf! With its double concave, the board comfortably handles surf to head high. The reinforced nose, tail and rail, make the board durable, safe, and minimizes paddle damage. With sizes from 8.0 to 12.0, the new KM Soft SUP is ideal for feather weights to heavy weights. The soft KM is constructed with a double stringer, glassed then wrapped in our soft material. The board and our extendable paddle make a great package at $829-00. Check out our gallery for great pics of this product.
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