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Wave - 6934_wave04_1274964693
Wave - 6934_1_1274964693

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 790
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This recreational kayak is suited for kayakers with a little more experience. It has more rocker that it’s other KayakTrek kayak counter parts, so therefore has less directional stability than its stable-mates. It is able to turn and maneuver quickly and is at home in waves and on more robust sections of water. A more playful kayak by nature, at home in the surf.

KayakTrek Kayaks, by KayakPro are our range of cost-conscious composite construction recreational kayaks. They maintain the high quality of composite construction that our Elite racing performance kayaks do. Composite construction is in itself is synonymous with smooth sleek finishes and lightweight constructions- giving ease of performance and handling. Why struggle with overweight plastic boats? The light and responsive feel of composite kayaks allows the paddler to be as one with his boat.

Our Kayaks, although cost conscious are constructed with high performance Epoxy resins, and composite heat-cured moulding techniques -leaving aside lower quality polyester resins.

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