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Bones - _kaku-bones-sup-1389267610
Bones - _kaku-bones-sup-2-1389267611

Short Facts

Kaku Kayak

716 Wesley Ave
Unit 7
Tarpon Springs
FL 34689

Phone: +1 410.961.6694

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

335 cms / 10'12"
81.3 cms / 32"
15.2 cms / 6"
With Kaku Kayaks and Kaku SUPs no spot is out of your reach, our new inflatable SUP stows away into a back back complete with pump and paddle weighing it at sub 30 lbs your possibilities are endless!

Throw it in the trunk of your car, rear hatch of your SUV, Passenger seat of your sports car, no racks needed, no hassles endured!

Standard Kaku Stability, Efficiency, Versatility and unmatched quality!

• Two Small Permanent Fins
• One large removable fin
• Rear Leash padi
• Four padi four back rest or cooler
• Optional rail blaza adhesive mounts for rod holders, go pro mounts, paddle holders ect.

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