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Racer 12'6"

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Racer 12'6" - 10344_racer126_1290534466
Racer 12'6" - 10344_01_1290534466
Racer 12'6" - 10344_IMG5378_1290534466
Racer 12'6" - 10344_IMG5399_1290534466

Short Facts


1001 Calle Negocio
Suite A
San Clemente
CA 92673

Phone: +1 (514) 583 3386

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
76.2 cms / 30"
20.3 cms / 8"
20.4 kg / 45 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
136.1 kg / 300 lbs
The Racer 12’6” is our “stock class” racing length board - made in plastic. While the focus of this board is certainly not racing, the fitness freaks out there certainly can enter events and the board is so fast that it’s competitive even though its plastic. Our nose piercing bow design, that flows into the efficient displacement hull makes this board a dream to paddle, in all conditions from open ocean swell riding to just paddling at the lake.

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