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Enigma 8’6

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Short Facts


1001 Calle Negocio
Suite A
San Clemente
CA 92673

Phone: +1 (514) 583 3386

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Available Colors

Stats (Metric)

259 cms / 8'6"
71.1 cms / 28"
8.9 cms / 3.5"
7.7 kg / 17 lbs
99.2 ltr / 26.2 gal
This fantastic board has been our performance flagship for 4 years. Every year it evolves, with new technologies and cutting edge concepts that continue to lead the industry, and more importantly, surfing. The Enigma is not an easy board–it is a performance board. It’s fast down the line, it’s loose, it’s dynamic and it’s just a whole lot of fun: it defies explanation. The performance is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma!

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