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Crossover 12

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Short Facts


1001 Calle Negocio
Suite A
San Clemente
CA 92673

Phone: +1 (514) 583 3386

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

366 cms / 12'0"
78.7 cms / 31"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
11.3 kg / 25 lbs
If you’re the kind of surfer who wants to surf ocean waves just as much as you want to go for casual paddles across the lake, then your prayers have been answered. The name says it all for this amazing shape, which truly is opening doors and possibilities from coast to coast, and everything in the middle. A clean sweeping V-bow cuts effortlessly through the water, before running into the subtle concave center section and shallow V tail. The Outline of the tail combined with the rocker make this board surf like a charm for its size.

While it can never compare to a dedicated surf shape, or to a speeding flatwater sprinter, this compromise is so effective that it remains our best-selling board.

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