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Padillac 11'11

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Padillac 11'11 - 9150_padillac278_1284476201

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1720
Available Colors

Stats (Metric)

363 cms / 11'11"
102 cms / 40"
21.8 kg / 48 lbs
Single-piece tube construction prevents 'tacoing' at joints. Rigid implants in the ends (capped with rubber guards) keep the tips from twisting. The floor is extended and wrapped around the bottom to firmly hold all the parts together. The keel design of the floor gives directional stability that pros will appreciate, and the new Padillac Extreme inflatable kayak adds adjustable foot pegs and adjustable thigh straps.

Tube Diameter: 13" (33.02 cm)
Kick: 15.5" (39.37 cm)
Straight Tube: 7'-4.5" (2.2479 m)
Interior Width: 14" (35.56 cm)
Chambers: 5
Thwarts: 2
D-Rings: 2
Handles: 0
Denier: 1680 / 2520
Crew: 2

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