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Tampico 140 S

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Tampico 140 S - boats_641-1
Tampico 140 S - boats_641-2

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0.1"
60 cms / 23.6"
19.5 kg / 43 lbs
Cockpit Length
84 cms / 33.1"
Cockpit Width
46 cms / 18.1"
The new Tampico 140 S – An updated version of the well loved Tampico 135 S.

The new 140 S offers increased capacity for gear, it is faster, tracks better, and handles heavy chop with greater ease. This is the perfect kayak for the 100 lbs – 170lbs, 5’ – 6’ kayaker. The 140 S excels, whether you are going out for the weekend, or a just a 2 hour workout on the water.

Ideal Use: Coastal waters, day trips, overnight tripping

Further Specs:
Capacity: 113kg / 250lbs
Rudder Skeg Option: no
Bulkheads: bow & stern
Hatches: bow & stern
Deck Rigging: bow & stern
Adjustable Seat Back: yes
Perimeter Deck Lines: yes

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