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Skimmer 128 Fishing

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Skimmer 128 Fishing - _skimmer128angler1-1361871747

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Time to change your thought process with the Skimmer 128.Technically, a high-performance sit on top, the Skimmer 128 can be quickly and easily outfitted into an angler’s dream. It cuts through the water, so you can handle surface chop and waves on your way to the fish. With the bow hatch and pair of day hatches, you’ve got ample room for gear, tackle and rods. Key to Ideal Use:
1 = Quiet lakes and rivers
2 = Day touring quiet coastal waters and larger lakes
3 = Coastal waters, day trips, overnight tripping

Rudder Skeg Option: Rudder Option
Bulkheads: No
Hatches: Bow, Middle Seat & Stern
Deck Rigging: Stern
Seat & Outfitting: NEW AireStream seat
Perimeter Deck Lines : No

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