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Expedition 128

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Expedition 128 - _expedition128limetop_1313728696
Expedition 128 - _expedition128limeside_1313728697

Short Facts

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So you like your small rec boat. You like the maneuverability. You like the stability. And you so love the light weight. But hey, maybe it’s time to move up. Evolve. Advance. No worries. The Expedition 128 touring kayak will grant you an amazing gift: the stability, versatility and on-demand maneuverability of our rec kayaks, combined with the efficient glide of a longer touring kayak. In other words, now you can hit the water for long day trips and overnighters, because you have voluminous front/rear storage and serious deck rigging. And it’s still fun. And it’s still lightweight. Win, win.

Ideal Use: Day touring quiet coastal waters and larger lakes
Rudder Skeg Option: no
Bulkheads: bow & stern
Hatches: bow & stern
Deck Rigging: bow & stern
Seat & Outfitting: adjustable recreational seat
Perimeter Deck Lines: yes

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