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V2-Z Vacuum Glass/Glass
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Short Facts

2910 Duluth St Shop#1 thru #7
West Sacramento
CA 95691
Phone: +1 (916) 730-5833
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2910 Duluth St Shop#1 thru #7
West Sacramento
CA 95691
Phone: +1 (916) 730-5833
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· Show all Huki products.
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Jerry Montgomery
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3100
Stats (Metric)
732 cms / 24'0"
43.2 cms / 17"
22.2 kg / 49 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
163.3 kg / 360 lbs
Introducing our new HUKI Tandem Z, two person Outrigger Canoe! We've been testing and adjusting her since September 2004 in the Northern California WaveChaser Races and in Southern California's racing circuit...She's a hit! ...Dead center, bulls eye!
Jerry Montgomery digitally designed/calculated her with the aid of a computer and shaped her by hand. I provided the concept, performance parameters and other details to conform to. We work so well together, I'm proud to say, but Jerry is the genius that makes the incredible happen.
Our new Tandem Z is the most versatile OC2 available and has the most advanced dual steering mechanism ever made. When it comes to speed, the Tandem Z is slightly faster in flats than our previous HUKI V2-A and is way faster than anything else you can race against. She has a great deal more control in rough water than our V2-A, she doesn't broach as easily as the V2-A at the crest, allowing you to surf waves at a diagonal. Her rudder will seldom leave the water on a steep face, and the stem is high enough to keep her nose up when you bottom out in the trough. The Tandem Z is lighter and smaller, being only 24 feet long and with less "free board" (boat above the water). She has less rocker than our V2-A, but enough so that she's a Hawaiian water sweet heart and will make a splash there very soon.
The HUKI Tandem Z is probably the single most comfortable OC2 in the world right now. We've placed the bottom of the heels on the very bottom of the canoe to produce a more natural sitting position. The footwells fit very nicely to the heels and calves and allow paddlers to use the legs and feet to balance the canoe, which takes stress off of the o'kole in rough conditions. This ergonomic fit and spreading of body stress, allows the paddlers greater control of stability with instantaneous and minimal movements. The cockpits fit like a glove, your bodies becoming one with the canoe...No kidding. And, with this fine footwell fit, there's no room for excess water to collect and less for the venturies to drain.
The Tandem Z ama is smaller and shorter than our V2-A ama, having the front iako between the two cockpits and the rear iako behind the aft cockpit. This means, less drag from a long waterline and less weight from a long ama and less ama for a wave to grab a hold of to push the canoe around. The ama and iako have a totally new assembly for us, no more knobs. The aluminum iako set attaches to the canoe and ama with snap buttons and adjusts for beam and roll. (width and tilt).
The dual steering station system uses two sets of pedals and cables. The two sets of steering cables can be easily detached at the steering pedals or at the rudder yoke without using ANY tools. The system is uniquely HUKI and a patent is being applied for. You can choose which steering station will be disengaged while sitting in the canoe out on the water, by loosening the retainer bungee and sliding the steering cable out of the pedal slot. You can also disengage steering stations from the steering yoke by removing the retainer clips and displacing the two steering cables from the yoke pins.
Static waterline length w/ 360 lb payload 23'
Ama LOA 8'
Jerry Montgomery digitally designed/calculated her with the aid of a computer and shaped her by hand. I provided the concept, performance parameters and other details to conform to. We work so well together, I'm proud to say, but Jerry is the genius that makes the incredible happen.
Our new Tandem Z is the most versatile OC2 available and has the most advanced dual steering mechanism ever made. When it comes to speed, the Tandem Z is slightly faster in flats than our previous HUKI V2-A and is way faster than anything else you can race against. She has a great deal more control in rough water than our V2-A, she doesn't broach as easily as the V2-A at the crest, allowing you to surf waves at a diagonal. Her rudder will seldom leave the water on a steep face, and the stem is high enough to keep her nose up when you bottom out in the trough. The Tandem Z is lighter and smaller, being only 24 feet long and with less "free board" (boat above the water). She has less rocker than our V2-A, but enough so that she's a Hawaiian water sweet heart and will make a splash there very soon.
The HUKI Tandem Z is probably the single most comfortable OC2 in the world right now. We've placed the bottom of the heels on the very bottom of the canoe to produce a more natural sitting position. The footwells fit very nicely to the heels and calves and allow paddlers to use the legs and feet to balance the canoe, which takes stress off of the o'kole in rough conditions. This ergonomic fit and spreading of body stress, allows the paddlers greater control of stability with instantaneous and minimal movements. The cockpits fit like a glove, your bodies becoming one with the canoe...No kidding. And, with this fine footwell fit, there's no room for excess water to collect and less for the venturies to drain.
The Tandem Z ama is smaller and shorter than our V2-A ama, having the front iako between the two cockpits and the rear iako behind the aft cockpit. This means, less drag from a long waterline and less weight from a long ama and less ama for a wave to grab a hold of to push the canoe around. The ama and iako have a totally new assembly for us, no more knobs. The aluminum iako set attaches to the canoe and ama with snap buttons and adjusts for beam and roll. (width and tilt).
The dual steering station system uses two sets of pedals and cables. The two sets of steering cables can be easily detached at the steering pedals or at the rudder yoke without using ANY tools. The system is uniquely HUKI and a patent is being applied for. You can choose which steering station will be disengaged while sitting in the canoe out on the water, by loosening the retainer bungee and sliding the steering cable out of the pedal slot. You can also disengage steering stations from the steering yoke by removing the retainer clips and displacing the two steering cables from the yoke pins.
Static waterline length w/ 360 lb payload 23'
Ama LOA 8'
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