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15' Algonquin Prospector Y-Stern Fibreglass

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15' Algonquin Prospector Y-Stern Fibreglass - 10330_01_1290454105
15' Algonquin Prospector Y-Stern Fibreglass - 10330_ysterncanoe_1290454105
15' Algonquin Prospector Y-Stern Fibreglass - 10330_ysternholycowcanoe_1290454105

Short Facts

Holy Cow

12590 Regional Road #25
ON L7J-2M1

Phone: +1 519-853-9729

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

457 cms / 15'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
34.9 cms / 13.8"
Maximum Total Capacity
231.3 kg / 510 lbs
The Y-Stern boat is not for the average canoeist. They are made for maximum stability and a solid weight capacity to take on heavy loads.

Meant for the serious canoeist, and outdoor enthusiast. Our Y- Stern boats can not be beat. Enormous weight capacities and un-compromised stability, the Holy Cow Canoe Y-Stern series are fantastic with or without a motor.

Optimal load range 220 lbs - 550 lbs weighs 54 lbs in Kevlar. Also available in Ultra-glass weighing in at 64 lbs.

Bow Height: 22"
Stern Height: 18"
Max outboard power rating: 3 hp / 2 kW

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