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Nessmuk Premium

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Nessmuk Premium - 6896_nessmuk1_1274874851
Nessmuk Premium - 6896_nessmuk2_1274874851

Short Facts

Hemlock Canoe Works

5407 State Route 15A
NY 14466

Phone: +1 (585) 367-3040

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1595

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
68.6 cms / 27"
6.4 kg / 14 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
56.7 kg / 125 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
79.4 kg / 175 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
102.1 kg / 225 lbs
Solo Featherweight Canoe

Nessmuk is an historic replica of a canoe commissioned by the author George Washington Sears for his Adirondack cruise in the summer of 1880 and built by the Rushton Boat Works of Canton N.Y. Sears wrote about this and subsequent trips in Forest and Stream magazine under the pen name 'Nessmuk'. "She is ten and a half feet long. twenty six inch beam, with eight inches rise at center; and, propelled by a light double paddle, with a one-fool power in the middle, gets over the water like a scared loon." One of the most celebrated canoes in American canoeing annals, Sears' Adirondack letters in Forest and Stream in 1883 boosted her into fame.

Our Nessmuk is faithful to the original "Wee Lassie" which now resides in the Adirondack Museum. This type of craft has come to be generically known as the Adirondack Pack canoe, and is the best way to obtain the smallest, lightest solo recreation paddle craft. Incredibly handy to paddle and transport, Nessmuk will suprise you with her quickness and seaworthiness.


Hull width - maximum: 27"

Hull width - at 4" waterline: 25"

Hull depth - bow: 14"

Hull depth - center: 10"

Hull depth - stern: 14"

Hull rocker - bow: 1.5"

Hull rocker - stern: 1.5"

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