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Falcon Kestrel Premium

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Falcon Kestrel Premium - 6901_kestrelperegrinecomparison1_1274877978
Falcon Kestrel Premium - 6901_KestrelPineBarrens1_1274877978
Falcon Kestrel Premium - 6901_P1010135_1274877979

Short Facts

Hemlock Canoe Works

5407 State Route 15A
NY 14466

Phone: +1 (585) 367-3040

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 2595

Stats (Metric)

450 cms / 14'9"
64.8 cms / 25.5"
13.2 kg / 29 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
56.7 kg / 125 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
113.4 kg / 250 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
136.1 kg / 300 lbs
Solo Touring Canoe

A two model sized series of solo touring canoes designed for lake country travel. Agility and tracking are blended in these canoes, which are capable of covering long distances with heavy personal loads in many types of water conditions. They paddle easily, covering the same daily mileage as tandem canoes. Innovative above water-line shapes give these canoes increased final stability without sacrificing seaworthiness or comfort. Note the load capacity variations of the two canoes. The Kestrel is the smaller hull and has less wetted surface than the Peregrine allowing it to maintain equal hull speed with a lighter, less strong paddler. The assumption is that the total load will also be less.

These are safe, seaworthy, comfortable canoes that will reward appreciative paddlers with outstanding performance.


Hull width - maximum: 27.5"

Hull width - at 4" waterline: 25.5"

Hull depth - bow: 16.0"

Hull depth - center: 11.5"

Hull depth - stern: 14.0"

Hull rocker - bow: 1.75"

Hull rocker - stern: 1.25"

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