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Eaglet II Kevlar/Hybrid

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Eaglet II Kevlar/Hybrid - 6910_eaglet17_1274887733
Eaglet II Kevlar/Hybrid - 6910_eaglet111_1274887734
Eaglet II Kevlar/Hybrid - 6910_eaglet15_1274887734

Short Facts

Hemlock Canoe Works

5407 State Route 15A
NY 14466

Phone: +1 (585) 367-3040

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 2695

Stats (Metric)

475 cms / 15'7"
77.5 cms / 30.5"
20.9 kg / 46 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
90.7 kg / 200 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
204.1 kg / 450 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
272.2 kg / 600 lbs
New for 2007, the Eaglet hull is a downsized version of our versatile Eagle tandem canoe. We offer three versions. The Eaglet I is a solo sport canoe. Intended for larger solo paddlers or bigger loads. The Eaglet I is very maneuverable yet paddles easily and tracks well. It also provides solid stability for those who wish to add the companionship of a child or an animal. Rigged with a single center seat.

Eaglet II is built and rigged as a small tandem recreational canoe, ideal for small couples, parent/child or grandparent/grandchild situations. Rigged with two seats and a portage yoke. Can also be utilized as a tandem touring canoe for small statured paddlers.

Hull width - maximum: 32.75"
Hull width - at 4" waterline: 30.5"
Hull depth - bow: 18.0"
Hull depth - center: 12.5"
Hull depth - stern: 18.0"
Hull rocker - bow: 1.5"
Hull rocker - stern: 1.5"

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