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Safari - 5628_safari1_1271864839
Safari - 5628_Safaridetailploutve_1271864840
Safari - 5628_Safari01_1271864840
Safari - 5628_44079_1271864839
Safari - 5628_Safari02_1271864840
Safari - 5628_Safaridetailoperka_1271864839

Short Facts


Mládežnická 3A č.p. 3062
690 75
Czech Republic

Phone: +420519314111

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 469


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SAFARI is a sports-style kayak with self-bailing bottom for riding lower-class difficulty white-water or a kayak for offshore riding and surfing on the sea. You can place the drybag with your personal things under the elastic ropes in the bow and stern.

Technical Data:

Side tube diameter (cm) - 23 × 17
Air chambers - 3 + 1 + 2
Max.operation pressure (Mpa/Bar/PSI) - 0,02 / 0,2 / 3,0
Packed dimensions (cm) - 53 × 38 × 24
Max. number of persons - 1
Cardboard box (cm) - 55 × 40 × 25

Boat equipment:

Self-bailing bottom with outlets on both sides
Seat with backrest
Adjustable footrest
Thigh straps
Elastic ropes in the bow and stern for baggage
Safety grab handles in the bow and stern
Fixture for tracking fi n
Transport drybag 80 l
Material: Nitrilon®

Recommended accessories:

Kayak paddle type 701 Allround or 702 Asymetric
Hand pump Super 4
Drybag 20 l or 40 l
Tracking fin

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