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17' Double-Ender Canoe .040 Lightweight
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Short Facts
Grumman Canoes

Marathon Boat Group, PO Box 549
1 Grumman Way
NY 13803
Phone: +1 888-694-1285
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Marathon Boat Group, PO Box 549
1 Grumman Way
NY 13803
Phone: +1 888-694-1285
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· Show all Grumman Canoes products.
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1175
Available Colors
Hunter Green, Sky Blue, Flame Red
Stats (Metric)
518 cms / 17'0"
91.5 cms / 36"
Maximum Total Capacity
342.5 kg / 755 lbs
Tough as nails. Designed to last and perform, every Grumman® Canoe is hand-crafted from a special age-hardened, stretch-formed aluminum alloy substantially stronger than traditional alloys. Each Grumman Canoe is hand riveted with specially-designed T-6 Alumilite rivets for maximum strength along gunnels, keels and ribs. The stretch-forming process permanently shapes the curves designed into the bow, stern and sides for maximum strength. For added rigidity and unbeatable strength, Grumman Canoes use die-formed aluminum ribs and thwarts, and solid aluminum extruded gunnels.
Whether you’re out tackling a rushing stream or a glass-calm lake, a first timer or professional outfitter, a Grumman versatile double-ender is the right choice. Its wide beam and low profile gives stability and reduced wind resistance. And the double-ender is available in various light and standard weight models, 13 to 18 feet. A 17 ft. heavy-duty version is built specifically for camps and outfitters.
Built to Last:
All models feature .060" aluminum deck caps and .080" stemcaps with special T-6 alumilite finish rivets for top strength. A special sealant ensures long lasting watertightness.
Optimum Strength:
Formed .062" aluminum thwarts are secured with marine grade stainless steel bolts. Precision riveting ties gunnels, skin, and thwarts together for superior strength.
Better Tracking:
The standard flat water keel is designed to make paddling easier and keep your canoe "on track." The special "Bulb T" keel on the 19 ft. Square Stern and Sportboat makes larger canoes stiffer and stronger.
The shallow draft keel has an inner keelson of rugged-strength extruded aluminum made for fast maneuvering through rock bottom whitewater rivers. The shallow draft keel is available on G-1750CSK double-enders.
Ribs - 3
Center Depth - 13 1/8"
Keel - standard
Max. H.P. - 5
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge - 66/.040
Optional Olive Drab Paint - $165
Optional Blue, Green, or Red Paint - $224
Whether you’re out tackling a rushing stream or a glass-calm lake, a first timer or professional outfitter, a Grumman versatile double-ender is the right choice. Its wide beam and low profile gives stability and reduced wind resistance. And the double-ender is available in various light and standard weight models, 13 to 18 feet. A 17 ft. heavy-duty version is built specifically for camps and outfitters.
Built to Last:
All models feature .060" aluminum deck caps and .080" stemcaps with special T-6 alumilite finish rivets for top strength. A special sealant ensures long lasting watertightness.
Optimum Strength:
Formed .062" aluminum thwarts are secured with marine grade stainless steel bolts. Precision riveting ties gunnels, skin, and thwarts together for superior strength.
Better Tracking:
The standard flat water keel is designed to make paddling easier and keep your canoe "on track." The special "Bulb T" keel on the 19 ft. Square Stern and Sportboat makes larger canoes stiffer and stronger.
The shallow draft keel has an inner keelson of rugged-strength extruded aluminum made for fast maneuvering through rock bottom whitewater rivers. The shallow draft keel is available on G-1750CSK double-enders.
Ribs - 3
Center Depth - 13 1/8"
Keel - standard
Max. H.P. - 5
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge - 66/.040
Optional Olive Drab Paint - $165
Optional Blue, Green, or Red Paint - $224
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