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Short Facts
Go Kids Kayaks
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 640
Available Colors
Red/Yellow, Blue/White/Black
Stats (Metric)
310 cms / 10'2"
72 cms / 28.3"
25 kg / 55 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
120 kg / 265 lbs
Largo Fishing Kayak and Paddle Design: Designed for fishing . Ultra stable hull features include, fishing rod holder, 125mm hatches front & rear and a drink holder
Uses:Fishing Kayak for Towing longlines, Kayak fishing, family play
Performance: Ocean surf max 50cm and River rapid max Grade 2 (subject to paddler experience)
Uses:Fishing Kayak for Towing longlines, Kayak fishing, family play
Performance: Ocean surf max 50cm and River rapid max Grade 2 (subject to paddler experience)
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