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Cherokee 500 Kevlar-Carbon-Light

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Cherokee 500 Kevlar-Carbon-Light - 5600_cherokee2_1271776386
Cherokee 500 Kevlar-Carbon-Light - 5600_cherokee1_1271776387
Cherokee 500 Kevlar-Carbon-Light - 5600_cherokee3_1271776387
Cherokee 500 Kevlar-Carbon-Light - 5600_cherokee4_1271776387

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 2549
Available Colors
Carbon(Woven), Kork, Bernstein/Amber, Tundra, Moss, Riverblue, Ojibwa-Kork, Nut, Sand, Spruce, Green, Yellow-Orange, Ruby, Birch-Black, Bluesky, Red, Blue


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The CHEROKEE 500 is one of the most stable and easiest to manoeuvre recreational canoes, that we build. It is best used as a double or family canoe. It can easily handle up to 4 adults or a family with a large amount of equipment. It is the best choice for safe and relaxing trips. The wide beam, with a flat bottomed hull, provides an ideal platform for photography and fishing.

Side height: 39 cm

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