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Toro Carbolight

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Toro Carbolight - 6765_2151_1274455182
Toro Carbolight - 6765_2153_1274455182
Toro Carbolight - 6765_2152_1274455182

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After lengthy development and testing our new generation of slalom kayaks, TORO and TORETO have finally hit the market.

Its name is fitting due to its dynamic manoeuverability and speed for its size. Designed for heavier paddlers, who up to now had to use longer boats due to their weight, which in turn favored lighter paddlers in shorter boats and just on the edge of the IFC of 350 cm.TORO is the next generation of the Shorty 362 XL. One will immediately notice the higher buoyancy space for legs and a modification at the back of the cockpit to enable larger paddlers to lean back with ease. Also the seat location was modified for better control when negotiating gates.


Our highest quality racing boat. This Lay-Up is intended for the most demanding slalom racers addressing not only the improved construction but also the looks.

A combination of 3 types of foam sandwich, MGS epoxy system and superior vacuum bag technology, Carbon surface and Carbon & Carbon/Aramid combination inside the boat. Although seamless on the outside [except for the bow and stern tips for extra protection], double seams on the inside.

With this new improved construction, we bring to the market a very strong boat with good resistance to damage.

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