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Shorty 362 XL Mixt

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Shorty 362 XL Mixt - 6777_2081_1274461830
Shorty 362 XL Mixt - 6777_2083_1274461830
Shorty 362 XL Mixt - 6777_2084_1274461830
Shorty 362 XL Mixt - 6777_2082_1274461830

Short Facts

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In 2004, Junior World Champion Alexander Grimm of Germany/senior German national team/, found the Shorty 362 to be his boat of choice. Weighing in at 90 Kg, he decided to increase the buoyancy but without diminishing the excellent parameters of the boat. The new and improved Shorty XL alows heavier paddlers to enjoy the great perfomance of this boat. The Shorty 362 XL retains all the speed and maneuverability of the smaller Shorty 362. This boat is intended for paddlers over 85 Kg


Economical construction for beginners. We use epoxy resin, E-glass fabric, 2 layers of SGL carbon/aramid fabric and sandwich stiffening ribs in the hull and deck, outside aramid and inside diolen seam, hard foam-pillars (Styrodur).

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