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Makao Flexible

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Makao Flexible - 6829_2101_1274710167
Makao Flexible - 6829_2102_1274710167
Makao Flexible - 6829_2103_1274710167
Makao Flexible - 6829_2106_1274710167

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Tony Estanguet


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The vision and development are endless. NINJA PRO was an excellent canoe in the first generation of shorter canoes, a compromise between the 4 mts length and the new rules. Today the MAKAO confirms the final arrival of the new wave of designs with a very fast and easy turning boat. The length of 355 cm enables tight turns through gates and tight lines between them. MAKAO is a canoe of equal speed and stability as the NINJA PRO is. The design optimises your ability to complete both perfect flat turns and turning over the tail. The MAKAO designed by Tony Estanguet /double olympic winner and world champion/, offers a great feeling to all canoeists it does not matter what performance level they are at.


For beginners and racers. MGS epoxy system, SGL carbon/aramid fabric. HULL: 70 % carbon/aramid and 30% glass fabric. DECK: 30% carbon/aramid and 70% glass fabric, vacuum bag technology, Spheretex sandwich. Outside-inside aramid seam and hard foam-pillars (Styrodur).

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