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Freedom 12'6"
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
381 cms / 12'6"
76.2 cms / 30"
14 cms / 5.5"
268 ltr / 70.8 gal
This versatile SUP family features several boards that were designed for recreational uses. The Lady SUP is a great baord for women paddlers who want to paddle with ease and use a lught weight baord that looks amazing, the Fishing SUP Board is a great and effective board for fishing with many attachments and industry leading stability and the Freedom SUP Boards will be your choice for flat water and lakes paddling.
When it’s time to get out and paddle the lakes or flat water spots, the Freedom is the best choice for stability, functionality and a great paddling experience. Built in our EWE construction with utility features, the Freedom allows the flexibility that fits your paddling needs.
Single Fin System
Carrying Handle
Dual Leash Plugs
EVA Traction Pad
GoPro® Camera Mount
GORE-TEX® Self-Breathing Valve
Bungee System
When it’s time to get out and paddle the lakes or flat water spots, the Freedom is the best choice for stability, functionality and a great paddling experience. Built in our EWE construction with utility features, the Freedom allows the flexibility that fits your paddling needs.
Single Fin System
Carrying Handle
Dual Leash Plugs
EVA Traction Pad
GoPro® Camera Mount
GORE-TEX® Self-Breathing Valve
Bungee System
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