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Bluefin 12'6"

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Bluefin 12'6" - _bluefin-top126-1417768488
Bluefin 12'6" - _bluefin-top126a-1417768488

Short Facts



Phone: +18887844787

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
68.6 cms / 27"
The BLUEFIN is the new addition to our racing category and is the perfect choice for windy and choppy days.

With a wider nose and tail you will have all the stability you need. The fast rocker line easily connects you from bump to bump so you can go fast and enjoy your run. Bluefin uses our ACT technology to achieve light weight and durability. So, do you want to go on a fast downwind run? Grab the M3 and you’re all set!


Single Fin
Carrying Handle
EVA Traction Pad
GoPro® Camera Mount
Dual GORE-TEX® Self-Breathing Valve

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