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Demon - boats_556-2

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment

Stats (Metric)

238 cms / 7'9.7"
66 cms / 26"
19 kg / 42 lbs
280 ltr / 74 gal
Cockpit Length
89 cms / 35"
Cockpit Width
48 cms / 18.9"
Minimum Paddler Weight
50 kg / 110 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
100 kg / 220 lbs
DEMON is a new, high-performance kayak of compact dimensions conceived for steep torrents and large cascades, but at the same time it is easily handled even by beginners on easy routes or by canoers taking their first course at a kayaking school.

DEMON has a low barycenter that makes it extremely stable and a flat bottom that increases its speed. One of its strong points regarding safety is a detailed study of the water lines and the weight distribution to guarantee ease in Eskimo Rolling. The extra-large cockpit is especially comfortable even for heavy-set or particularly tall canoers, making it easy to get out if necessary. It features four handles (one at the bow and three at the stern), two “points” for anchoring spring clips, an ergonomic seat, adjustable puncture-proof footrests, unbreakable polyethylene ribs, and a bailing cap.

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