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Vision 1

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Vision 1 - _01_1302174261
Vision 1 - _02_1302174261
Vision 1 - _03_1302174261
Vision 1 - _04_1302174261

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

255 cms / 8'4.4"
74 cms / 29.1"
9 kg / 20 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
110 kg / 243 lbs
The vision is the perfect boat to discover the kayak recreational. Light and easy to cany, the Visionl is supplied with a comfortable seat made of an extra supple foam covered with neoprene for a better comfort as well as adjustable tighbraces for a better control of the kayak. 3 fins will allow you to surf the waves, the platform Is designed to carry small luggage. 600 deniers polyester outer shell, PVC bottom and air chambers. (The Vision Is delivered in its carving bag, with a paddle and a pump)

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