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Reval Viking

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Reval Viking - boats_1170-1
Reval Viking - boats_1170-2

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment

Stats (Metric)

583 cms / 19'1.5"
54 cms / 21.3"
27 kg / 60 lbs
340 ltr / 89.8 gal
Cockpit Length
72 cms / 28.3"
Cockpit Width
40 cms / 15.7"
Speed, stability and good volume are the keywords for this kayak.

It is fast enough for ambitious paddlers, who want to participate in kayak-races under rough conditions. Probably it is one of the best hull-designs on the market for that purpose. But it also has all necessary qualities to be a trustworthy touring kayak. Its luggage rooms have enough volume for multi-day trips and v-shaped bottom provides confident ride in wide range of conditions. As it is surprisingly sensitive for edging, this kayak performs well even in surf-conditions.

Additional specs.
Volume of compartments:
front - 65 ltr / 17,2 US gall.
day-hatch - 20 ltr / 5,3 US gall.
aft. - 65 ltr / 17,2 US gall.
Hatch-cover sizes:
front: 25 cm / 10''
day-hatch: 15 cm / 6''
aft.: 43x26 cm / 17x10''

Standard features:
•fiberglass seam (carbon seam on carbon layup)
•3 glassed bulkheads
•wide foamed back-rest
•SmarTrack rudder and pedals

Optional features:
•retractable skeg
•mounted Silva 70P compass

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