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C1 Furious Elite Racer

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C1 Furious Elite Racer - _furious_1311684161

Short Facts

Double Dutch

5600 HG

Phone: +31 40 2855505

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 1899
The FURIOUS C1 is the latest of our C1 designs. This boat is not as our other C1 designs used to be. This boat is based on a combination of different boat designs and individual idea's. With it's relatively high volume front it is easy to controle in white water. The flat tail makes it easy to turn. The specific DD volume behind the cockpit give it great accelaration out of the gates.

Try it and you know what this boat is capable of.....

Available sizes:
Small: 60 - 65 kg
Medium: 65 - 75 kg
Large: 75 - 85 kg

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