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Delta 20T

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Delta 20T - 6117_delta20tY485_1273517043
Delta 20T - 6117_20tmain02_1273517044
Delta 20T - 6117_20tmain_1273517044

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
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Two is sometimes better than one

A lightweight and maneuverable tandem with four bulkheads and three dry storage compartments make the Twenty T an excellent choice for couples, families and tour operators. Higher than average primary and secondary stability was a key design consideration and after your first excursion, you are likely to note how effortless it is to paddle. A notable Delta Kayak innovation is the TCS (Total Control Seat), which enhances the paddlers comfort and their ability to trim the tandem by adjusting the seat forward and backward. The Twenty T is sure to be a highlight on beaches around the world.

Bow Dry Storage - 18.6 Gal / 71L
Stern Dry Storage - 34.8 Gal / 132 L
Cockpit Volume - Bow: 56 Gal/212 L, Stern: 60 Gal/227 L
Center Hatch Storage - 19.6 Gal / 74 L

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