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Delta 16
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Yellow, Red, Electric Blue
Stats (Metric)
488 cms / 16'0"
55.9 cms / 22"
30.5 cms / 12"
22.7 kg / 50 lbs
371 ltr / 98 gal
Cockpit Length
82.6 cms / 32.5"
Cockpit Width
40.6 cms / 16"
British and American fusion.
The Sixteen is Delta Kayaks newest thermoformed kayak to join the fleet. The Delta 16 is an intermediate to advanced kayak that will cater to smaller or mid-sized individuals who have been waiting for a full figured British style design built with more dry storage typical of North American designs. An innovative twist to kayaking the 16 offers two large hatches and two day hatches. The Day hatches are solid pods that are built into the underdeck. This fore and aft dual day hatch system allows paddlers to keep their cameras and essentials inside of the kayak protected from errant paddle strokes or waves knocking things off the deck. The 16 exhibits good primary stability and very good secondary and given its 22 inch wide profile it has great acceleration to catch a wave. The Delta 16 is a lightweight contender made for kayakers tuning their intermediate to advanced skills.
Bow Main Storage - 20.8 Gal / 78.6 L
Bow Day Storage - 3.0 Gal / 11.5 L
Stern Main Storage - 28.0 Gal / 106 L
Stern Day Storage - 3.7 Gal / 14.0 L
Cockpit Volume - 42.5 Gal / 161.0 L
Options: With or without a Skeg or Rudder.
The Sixteen is Delta Kayaks newest thermoformed kayak to join the fleet. The Delta 16 is an intermediate to advanced kayak that will cater to smaller or mid-sized individuals who have been waiting for a full figured British style design built with more dry storage typical of North American designs. An innovative twist to kayaking the 16 offers two large hatches and two day hatches. The Day hatches are solid pods that are built into the underdeck. This fore and aft dual day hatch system allows paddlers to keep their cameras and essentials inside of the kayak protected from errant paddle strokes or waves knocking things off the deck. The 16 exhibits good primary stability and very good secondary and given its 22 inch wide profile it has great acceleration to catch a wave. The Delta 16 is a lightweight contender made for kayakers tuning their intermediate to advanced skills.
Bow Main Storage - 20.8 Gal / 78.6 L
Bow Day Storage - 3.0 Gal / 11.5 L
Stern Main Storage - 28.0 Gal / 106 L
Stern Day Storage - 3.7 Gal / 14.0 L
Cockpit Volume - 42.5 Gal / 161.0 L
Options: With or without a Skeg or Rudder.
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