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RX (Prescription) 6.9
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The people's playboat. Forgiveness melds with performance, style meets precision, comfort becomes aggression. It's learning to blunt, it's finally getting a line dialed, it's showing off for tourists at the bridge hole, it's whatever you want to do today and something else entirely different tomorrow. No rules, No limits, No comparison.
User reviews
Great boat
I am an intermediate paddler living in central BC. I've owned this boat for a few months now, and have tried it on a number of local rivers as well some action down on Vancouver Island (up to Grade 3).
I used to own a Booster, and previous to this a Bliss.
Basically this is the first boat where I feel like I'm really in control of it. A natural feel on the water, easy and forgiving, and capable of many modern playboat moves. It's the best surf boat I've ever been in -- it never perls and carves nicely. Not super fast but not slow either. I don't know how to cartwheel yet, but I've seen my friend throw ends like it's going out of style (and he couldn't link as many in his super ez). It's also very easy to roll.
I would strongly recommend it for any novice-intermediate looking to step up their playboating, but still have a nice craft for river-running.
Great kayak.
Age: 35
Weight: 83.9 kgs