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Axis 10.5

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Axis 10.5 - _01_1301418398
Axis 10.5 - _04_1301418398
Axis 10.5 - _05_1301418398
Axis 10.5 - _02_1301418398
Axis 10.5 - _06_1301418399
Axis 10.5 - _03_1301418398

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 799
Available Colors
Lava, Blue, Yellow, Sky Blue, Orange, Dagger Red

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
72.4 cms / 28.5"
40.6 cms / 16"
22.7 kg / 50 lbs
Cockpit Length
96.5 cms / 38"
Cockpit Width
53.3 cms / 21"
Maximum Total Capacity
136.1 kg / 300 lbs
Unprecedented versatility. The Axis 10.5 is ideal for the eclectic paddler who appreciates relaxing day trips on the lake, but might also enjoy the challenge of a running river and is unmatched in its class. On lakes, reservoirs, intercoastal waterways, and ponds it provides excellent tracking from a height-adjustable drop skeg that keeps it moving straight. Defined chines add maneuverability, and the Axis accepts a sprayskirt and can be fitted with thigh braces for more challenging environments. Features:
• TruTrak Skeg System
• Hull-Stiffening Beam
• CFS-R Seating System
• Bow Mesh Deck Cover
• Dagger Handle Plate
• Zone knee/thigh pad
• Oval dual density stern hatch
• Soft touch handles
• SlideLock foot brace system

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